Monday 5 January 2015

New Year Resolutions, Marketing Style

Everyone does it, businesses included. With the ending of one year and a new year approaching, we all begin making our "New Year Resolutions". We feel that the new year will be a fresh start, fuelled with a new energy we received after a few well needed days off, we are certain that we can and will increase our growth, productivity and become the success story we always set out to be. It's a little sad yes, because we know that about 99% of us will fall off the wagon by.... let's say.... January 10th, but it is also a good mindset to take a moment to sit with and reflect upon.

What was it that didn't work well last year? Was it a lack of outside the box thinking (i.e. being safe), was budget restricted? Were timelines too short? Were you taking on far too much and couldn't give each project your all?

If we don't sit and reflect on our failures, on our challenges and how we missed the bar, or how we just made a pass, we will constantly move forward... just barely. Just like any company has to take a look at its successes and challenges quarterly, we too as the marketing power need to look at our efforts and see what was holding us back. Most times, it's ourselves.

How are you challenging yourself in 2015 to grow, create successful outcomes and create a name for yourself?

Whether it's inspirational mantras, networking with like minded individuals, joining an online brainstorming forum, etc. You have all the tools and resources you can imagine at your finger tips. This is the digital age after all.

Happy New Year friends, let's grow together.
