Sunday 2 August 2015

#Hug Me

Do you remember when we used to sit at our computers waiting (for what seemed like forever) for our dial-up connection? For the pages to load? for games to load? We seemed to put everything on hold so that we could connect to the internet and explore everything it had to offer, even if it meant putting our lives on hold so that we could wait to dial-in, or reconnect after someone tried phoning us which kicked us off the connection (how thoughtless), or someone picked up the phone (double thoughtless), etc. It was painful but life was better when we could escape, even for a few minutes here and there.

Fast forward to present day where we don't have to wait, for anything. Instant connections, wifi, take a call and surf the net at the same time - FaceTime if you want. We get what we want, when we want it (and we wanted it yesterday).

This is what many brands are missing. Many companies understand the importance of marketing themselves through various channels, but where they lose many potential followers is in their ability to be available 24/7/365. We live in a world where we get things NOW. If we have to wait, for anything, we leave, and chances are...we don't come back.

Social Media is the key to connecting real-time with your audience, wherever they may be. What is most important is to understand that when they follow you, give you a review, ask a question - interact on any level - you need to be there to respond and recognize their efforts. Whether it is a like, a share, a reply, a favourite, they want to feel heard. Social media allows for not only your audience, but you and I to feel validated instantly. 

For example, think of the last time you received a "like" or a "share" on Twitter or Facebook - it felt good didn't it? Someone else cared enough and enjoyed your comment, picture, video, etc, enough to do something to alert you of their enjoyment/appreciation. Research has shown that a "like" or "share" gives us the exact same feeling as a hug. So if you could give others a great feeling as though they received a hug, wouldn't you? That's the ultimate thank you!

So before moving forward in the digital realm, remember that one of the simplest and most important elements of marketing your brand and creating loyalty, is by recognizing opinions, and the engagement of those who are looking to connect with your brand online. 

Monday 6 April 2015

Stop Covering Up Sh*t

The marketing world has become a living, breathing life form that can tell the truth...and a life form that can tell a lie. Chances are, it's the lies that make you want to buy. #justsayin

Marketers used to be clever. Outside-the-box approaches were the way that advertising was done. "How can we shock the world?" was and has always been the marketer's biggest question. But this question presents a big problem: "How do you stick to reality? How do you make a real-life story, sound ficticiously brilliant?" You can....but most marketers will chance that by fabricating a sugar coated....lie.

No longer are we talking about the product and educating our audience, instead we are throwing a ton of fluff at the audience hoping something will stick. #sad . Doesn't that sound a lot like the old days where we would send out flyers, newspaper ads, buy as much T.V. and air time as we possibly could in the hopes that someone with a lot of money would buy? I'm pretty sure it looks exactly like that. #fail .

With the ability to measure everything we do (yes everything), how do we slip back into this trap of generalizational marketing?

Generalization = I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

There is a science, but the more I watch how we are trending, the more I see we have a ton of college graduates who were able to memorize a bunch of text but have no skills or creativity to give us the outside-the-box approach that society has and always will be craving. #truth . It's time that someone shone and gave the raw story of the business - created a truthful story that people would want to digest and attach their story to.


Monday 16 March 2015

Are You a Bot?

Social media is the new "Black", the new vogue that has taken the internet by storm. It offers everyone who has an internet connection the ability to voice their opinion, share what speaks to them, and provide context around a ton of content. It's a successful tool for reaching anyone at anytime. Most of the time for free. Oh - and it can be measured, well... measured as in you can see how many likes and shares you received and track what people are saying. One problem exists though that is making social media a messy, and noisy place to be. Anonymity.
No longer are our followers real people. They are bots who resemble real people.
I had started using my Twitter account a few years back. Mostly just to catch up on news releases, blog postings, and see the world one highlight at a time. Back in November though when I finally launched my website and began sharing, I noticed that I was getting a mass of followers in a very brief timeframe. Too many that it raised red flags. I get that I’m good (save your opinion lol) but I wasn’t that amazing. So I began reviewing my followers. WOW! I didn’t know from my findings if I should laugh or cry. The vast majority of people following me were fricken BOTS!

After taking a look at various hashtags that my colleagues, friends, family, etc. were using it became apparent that social media was becoming a vehicle for spam. It happened to email after all. I mean, did we think we had reinvented the wheel?

So this raises a concern for the marketers out there: How do we know if we are reaching the right audience online? How do we know the shares and likes and friend requests are the real thing? Legitimate leads?
Social media - a valuable resource, but one that should also be taken with a grain of salt.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Don't Jump!

Driving out to the mountains is by far one of my favourite ways to relax, clear my thoughts and just be one with the quietness of nature. A few months ago I came across a scene unfamiliar to me, and it jolted me upright in my seat due to complete shock. There in front of me in the distance was someone sitting - ON TOP of a roadside billboard!!! Holy Crap!!!!

After a closer look and some time to digest the entire picture and message, I discovered it was an advertisement for Lexus of Royal Oak. The man was merely an attention getter that was part of the ad. WOW! It definitely stuck in my mind and I was obsessed with that billboard for a good 2 months after. The obsession finally made it to the point where I called the Marketing Director at Lexus of Royal Oak and asked for the image of the billboard so that I could do a review. After a great conversation and an email exchange I waited and waited....and waited.... and waited, and nothing. So I called back about 2 weeks later and she yet again sent nothing. So I took it upon myself to drive out, pull to the side of the highway and do this myself. My apologies for the very rough picture and video but you get the idea.

This piece stuck in my mind, and most likely the minds of others, due to the fact it grabbed a drivers' attention within a split second because no one would ever get up on top of a billboard - that's probably dangerous after all, mom certainly wouldn't be impressed. The message reads "From up here, I can see Lexus of Royal Oak". This is what calms the driver after a good jolt of adrenalin and brings a light note to the entire experience. Clever.

Thrill the audience, it makes the difference. We're tired of being exposed to the same thing every day.

Way to go Lexus!

Monday 5 January 2015

New Year Resolutions, Marketing Style

Everyone does it, businesses included. With the ending of one year and a new year approaching, we all begin making our "New Year Resolutions". We feel that the new year will be a fresh start, fuelled with a new energy we received after a few well needed days off, we are certain that we can and will increase our growth, productivity and become the success story we always set out to be. It's a little sad yes, because we know that about 99% of us will fall off the wagon by.... let's say.... January 10th, but it is also a good mindset to take a moment to sit with and reflect upon.

What was it that didn't work well last year? Was it a lack of outside the box thinking (i.e. being safe), was budget restricted? Were timelines too short? Were you taking on far too much and couldn't give each project your all?

If we don't sit and reflect on our failures, on our challenges and how we missed the bar, or how we just made a pass, we will constantly move forward... just barely. Just like any company has to take a look at its successes and challenges quarterly, we too as the marketing power need to look at our efforts and see what was holding us back. Most times, it's ourselves.

How are you challenging yourself in 2015 to grow, create successful outcomes and create a name for yourself?

Whether it's inspirational mantras, networking with like minded individuals, joining an online brainstorming forum, etc. You have all the tools and resources you can imagine at your finger tips. This is the digital age after all.

Happy New Year friends, let's grow together.
