Tuesday 17 February 2015

Don't Jump!

Driving out to the mountains is by far one of my favourite ways to relax, clear my thoughts and just be one with the quietness of nature. A few months ago I came across a scene unfamiliar to me, and it jolted me upright in my seat due to complete shock. There in front of me in the distance was someone sitting - ON TOP of a roadside billboard!!! Holy Crap!!!!

After a closer look and some time to digest the entire picture and message, I discovered it was an advertisement for Lexus of Royal Oak. The man was merely an attention getter that was part of the ad. WOW! It definitely stuck in my mind and I was obsessed with that billboard for a good 2 months after. The obsession finally made it to the point where I called the Marketing Director at Lexus of Royal Oak and asked for the image of the billboard so that I could do a review. After a great conversation and an email exchange I waited and waited....and waited.... and waited, and nothing. So I called back about 2 weeks later and she yet again sent nothing. So I took it upon myself to drive out, pull to the side of the highway and do this myself. My apologies for the very rough picture and video but you get the idea.

This piece stuck in my mind, and most likely the minds of others, due to the fact it grabbed a drivers' attention within a split second because no one would ever get up on top of a billboard - that's probably dangerous after all, mom certainly wouldn't be impressed. The message reads "From up here, I can see Lexus of Royal Oak". This is what calms the driver after a good jolt of adrenalin and brings a light note to the entire experience. Clever.

Thrill the audience, it makes the difference. We're tired of being exposed to the same thing every day.

Way to go Lexus!

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